Advice to Corporations Trying To Recruit Tech Candidates
© 2024 Mark McWiggins
Late last night I was trying to look for jobs with, which I have done repeatedly in the past. But last night they had some technical problem saying I had to change my password but then I never got the email for that setup.
So I am starting a business for companies to advertise jobs and I will seriously undercut Indeed and Workday for this function.
Workday in particular is probably illegal in the information it’s trying to collect, asking your race with a lot of other questions.
So anybody wanting to use my system will have to adopt the alias strategy outlined in
There will have to be a company generated code number with this sort of setup.
Subject: Job code 425–2358
My resume and cover letter are attached. Thanks,
Mark McWiggins
This is so much better and quicker than Indeed (even when it’s working right) that anybody recruiting any other way seems to be missing something.
That’s it …