An Appreciation of Trae Crowder
© 2025 Mark McWiggins
Trae Crowder is a Southern Boy from N. Alabama with whom I have a lot in common: he’s from Cookville Tennesee, I’m from just outside Lake Providence, Louisiana .. I grew up in the 1960’s, he in the 1980’s but we were both the smart kids in our respective racist regions. I went to his comedy show last weekend and got to shake his hand, which was a thrill for me. I also sent a joke to the comedy club but not sure if I will they will get back to me about that one yet or not. What I especially like about Trae: he turned out to be a liberal intellectual in the dumb South and the way he skewers the moneyed and powerful is fabulous. Here are just a few examples:
I could give you my favorites in this very funny set, but I won’t … you have to see it for yourself. Although we are geographically similar, our attitudes are opposite (assuming he’s telling the truth about this in his act when he says “things are terrible” … it may be just for comedic effect). But my Mom and Dad were local elitists, and my Mom especially always told me I could do anything I wanted to do. So I grew up as a (rational) optimist … I expect mostly good things, and I get mostly good things.
But I do appreciate you, brother Trae. Best of luck for the rest of your career!