An Open Letter to Hertz and a Huge Recommendation for Lyft
I rented a Tesla model Y recently from Hertz … everything was going fine until I couldn’t get the car to go after lunch.
After the Hertz technician came out and got it going with no trouble, I asked him what he did and he said “just put the key in this spot” … I had rented a model Y for my birthday last year (possibly the same car!) and the key didn’t have to be exactly in that spot (at least in my memory).
Then yesterday the more serious incident: I had just got out of Costco with cold food

When the key failed completely … the car’s doors locked and wouldn’t open.
I wondered what the heck I was going to do; my wife was 80 miles away.
I thought of trying to hitchhike (it’s only 2–3 miles) waving a $100 bill and offering $50 … but I figured that was a good way to get arrested or mugged.
Then after I calmed down for a minute I remembered: Lyft.

For $15 I got a ride with a nice young guy named Lam in his Corolla. How does Lyft do it at any profit?
But thank goodness for them!