Another Update on Afib
© 2024 by Mark McWiggins
I had another Afib incident the last few days; I had read a while back that the traditional farmers and their families got up to about 7000 mg per day.
I decided to try going up to 6000 and so far that’s working; no afib.
I’m now 66 years old and I guess that caught up with me a bit.
Overall, though, I’m in better physical shape than I have been since my 20’s; I get a minimum of 7000 steps per day; 9700 something yesterday and up to 20000 sometimes when I walk around the golf course.
The complete regimen updated:
1 Oregano Oil (sinus remedy … hasn’t really started working too well yet, but I am sticking with it)
1 Kelp for the iodine
Centrum Silver for all the good stuff in there
3–5 “oxygenated magnesium” … there’s one called OxyMag that we’ve used and I just bought another one MagOx 400 … has all sorts of good effects on your system and keeps one from being constipated! Thanks to my beautiful wife for turning me on to this one.
Vitamin D … I was taking too much of this, I found out. I get some in Centrum and we have this other spray bottle but I’m not sure how much is in it.
Coenzyme Q10 … good for heart and other stuff.
I hope this is helpful!
Update Dec 13 2024: a couple of months ago my Lovely Wife suggested I cut back to 5 of the potassium citrate and I haven’t had an Afib attack yet.
Also update on the Vitamin D .. it turns out that more is good for my ongoing sinus infection so I’m taking more of that, plus flax, lemon and honey.