“HappyMoney” a cautionary tale © Mark McWiggins 2024

I have had a challenging late 2023 and early 2024; it started with a car problem that caused me to have to give my entire paycheck to the tow truck driver.
Then I lost my job … and I went on unemployment for the first time since 2020.
Amidst all this I was trying to borrow money to pay some urgent bills that were due while waiting for my unemployment to kick in.
Once you start doing this, you get 80 to 100 emails a day soliciting you to try their funding source. (I finally did get one later for $1400, fortunately.)
But early one morning when I apparently wasn’t thinking clearly, this service “Happy Money” said they needed to look at my bank account details to be able to do this.
Uh, “I can send you a screenshot?” I suggested. He said, no, he needed to log in to look around. I said “but you could clean me out!” … he said … “just take all the money out of the account to your cash app”.
I said “OK …” like the dumb guy I was at that moment.
Fortunately the bank knew what was happening and locked my account.
This caused me to have to change banks for the second time in weeks.
This brings me to the next part of my story: Social Security payments.
I will have another article up shortly … look for “Social Security is Stuck in 1972”