Hertz is Guilty of Corporate Misfeasance
© 2025 Mark McWiggins
Saturday 02/08/2025 -> Sunday 02/09/2025.
I was trying to get just one more job application out last Saturday night just before midnight. I thought I saw an excellent opportunity: a job with Hertz in Seattle that paid $200,000.
But I tried it and the web form said: check your email for a code. I checked and I didn’t have anything. I tried ‘resend code’ a couple of times. Then I got: “You’ve tried too many times; try again in 30 minutes”.
I grumbled; it was already midnight. But I just wanted one to get out before I went to bed. So I went downstairs and got some more tea.
I tried again at 1:15 and by that point I had done a couple of other job applications so finally got to bed just after 1:30 and missed church for the first time in over a year.
I looked again yesterday and tried it again, briefly and got the same: ‘try again in 30 minutes’ deal.
If your recruting system were broken this way, would you be able to see and fix it? Apparently, Hertz can’t.
I am sending this paper to Hertz to clue them into this problem; we’ll see.
I am still looking for a job, too; if anyone out there sees this, I have 30+ years in the tech industry; check my writing on Medium.com
425–369–8286 is my number!