How Elon Musk and Russia Could have stolen the 2024 Election
© Mark McWiggins
I don’t have any physical evidence of this, but just some statements from some YouTube psychics. But if what they say is true, this is how it might have happened.
The voting machines in question would have had a USB interface that accepts incoming data from a supposed maintenance technician via that USB drive.
But if the election security isn’t up to date on any election site as far as authenticating users, anyone could show up in a uniform of the company that owns the voting machine and load a USB with software that can do anything one can imagine, like switch votes from one party to another.
This is the same technique the US used in the Stuxnet case; my article on that subject is here on medium too.
I gather that investigations of this are underway now and should be coming to light in a few days. I’ll be watching with bated breath.
Also: I am looking for a job; if anyone who sees this has a job in computer security, I’ve had a lot of real-world training lately.
Mark McWiggins … 425–369–8286