How I Plan to Handle the CTO Role
© Mark McWiggins 2024
I am applying for CTO roles around various corporations, from regional banks to large retailers. How I plan to handle the job: (1) read widely in security, starting with one I have already experienced: Bruce Schneier’s writing, from Beyond Fear to his weekly newsletter.
I also plan to read whatever other books, newsletters, etc.I can get my hands on to make sure my knowledge of the field is up to date.
Also, for physical security I plan to take either jiu-jitsu or akido (or both) because I don’t carry guns; in event of war I plan to be taken as a hostage.
Also studies show that when there’s a gun in the house, it’s likely to be used by the spouse of the person holding the weapon.
That’s it for me; thanks and if you are reading this I look forward to working on your team.
Mark McWiggins