joins as a bad actor in the Recruiting space
© 2024 Mark McWiggins
I have decades of experience working with computers and related equipment. I have also been mostly contracting and I have lots of experience looking for jobs.
I previously have written a couple of times about, one of the backend companies that has been an apparent fixture on the scene since .. (check) …
I wrote to Propublica about their use of race in their recruiting ads …
Last night I came in after midnight with my wife to try and find a job … the first 3 I found on said “respond to the email we sent” to get to this job …
These companies need to try this:
I have a new appreciation the last couple of years of the value of software testing:
Testing is necessary in software throughout our society … software runs aircraft, self-driving cars, boats, etc. …. all of it depends on software and all of that software has to be tested. Software testing used to be called an art (in fact there was a book called The Art Of Software Testing.
This book was published in 2011, and recently since the introduction of ChatGpt and its ilk into the culture in 2023 … then testing has become more of a science …
There are recently introduced AI testing tools from Datadog, Selenium (I used the previous version in a couple of jobs, but I would be looking to deploy the AI version in any new enterprise these days.)
I have been working with software since I finished school the first time in the distant past … and I’ve learned everything from Mainframe assembly language up through C, C++, Perl, Ruby, a bit of Clojure and Clojurescript, then Java, GCP (including all of its’ tools), AWS (including Lambda, Glue and Step Functions) … data engineering and hand-coded display of the data for a client in 2018 using Python and matplotlib … also I have 20+ years of experience with various databases, including Postgresql and its variants Redshift … also I have 10+ years of experience with NoSQL databases Cassandra, Redis, Riak and more.
I have done web development with Ruby on Rails, Python Django, and even one with Clojure and Clojurescript.
I focus on security; I have been keeping two servers up on the internet for 10+ years with very little downtime. I am a former CISSP and remember the security procedures I learned with that credential. I log into my two servers (hosted with Digital Ocean) once a week to make sure they have the latest security updates.
Also I am aware of the services that are avaiable to keep systems up:
I also read widely and learn at least one new technology every year … starting with 2021, I learned Docker and Kubernetes:
Then PySpark, Hive SQL and Apache Airflow in 2023 .. also I started learning ChatGPT in 2023 getting it to help me figure out some apparent UI bugs in the GCP UI.
Finally in 2024 I took the Udemy Data Science Course, relearning some statistics I hadn’t seen since college the first time.
I read widely: the New York Times every day, plus Bloomberg Businessweek, CACM and IEEE Computer, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s Magazine, the Funny Times, Chess Life and the Bridge Bulletin from the ACBL. Also I have read a lot of good tech books including Peopleware from Tom Demarco and Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
I have a background in Compiler Development also.
I have been working as a programmer for decades, but now I find myself more interested in managing teams and working as a “player Coach”:
If you find this list of skills interesting/compelling for your company, call me immediately!
Mark McWiggins 425–369–8286