Much to my surprise … I have Covid
My lovely wife is a dyed-in-the-wool anti-vaxer, but I am 99.7% sure I didn’t pick it up from her … she got Covid on a trip to Iceland several months ago, but I’m fully vaccinated and really wasn’t worried about it.
But last Wednesday night my sinuses were going wild and just couldn’t get them stopped! (This turned out to be a blessing in disguise; see [])
My lovely wife said “why don’t you take a Covid test?” , well, OK, but I really doubt …

Oh, *expletive* …
The worst part is the lockdown … today is the 14th so 4 more days where I’m not supposed to leave the house …
The once I did leave the house was to get Lovely Wife a birthday card … her birthday was the 11th.
So I’m taking cough medicine no more than 6x per day (the warning on the label is exciting: “severe liver damage” … I’d be surprised, but 6x per day is plenty for me. Lovely Wife got me the version with honey instead of sucralose (Splenda) … she says it’s antiviral (I used to say when I was younger and dumber “where’s the double-blind study on that?” … these days I just say “thanks dear”.
She’s also putting the thyme into honey … much better than the water I was using to wash down the thyme.
So: I’m working (remotely, of course) … getting 7000 or more steps per day just walking up and down inside our 2600 square foot house …
Otherwise just waiting for the lockdown to end …