My YouTube Script for Mosquito Control
© Mark McWiggins 2024
Music: Threatening, Jungle, etc.
Story: I have seen various flys and mosquitos around this summer.
But mosquitos are in important part of the ecosystems … they support birds and bats and we are part of the ecosystem too.
I remember the commercials from when I was a kid:
RAID: Kills bugs Dead
Important to keep the mosquitos away from humans but alive in the ecology so they can continue to play their ecological role.
To keep them from driving humans insane, it is important to keep the mosquitos and flies at bay.
Flies are not the largest problem … I have two electric flyswatters (and my lovely wife uses a dishtowel, which also works.)
But for mosquitos, it’s important to either dry up standing water around your place or put something in the water to keep the mosquitos from developing.
I read about this in Bloomberg BusinessWeek some years ago … researchers in Africa came up with some bacilli that wipe out the mosquitos in their “cradle”.
The commercial product is called Mosquito Dunks.
Also there is a flyswatter called the Executioner. My lovely wife typically uses a dish towel, but the effect is the same.
This won’t hurt pets when they drink the water.
Why is this important?
Flash on screen: Chunganyika Malaria Zika, West Nile, Dengue.
That’s my story
Mark McWiggins