Open letter to Walmart Management
I went to a local Walmart last night late. I have a dust mite allergy as I think I’ve written here before about.
The Google search I did showed this on the shelf in Renton WA but (a) there were no customer service people on staff where the computers were and (b) the employees couldn’t help me. One said this way, one said that way …
Modern retailers (our local Fred Meyer, a local unit of the intergalactic grocery corporation Kroger, is one example) give their employees a mobile app that tells them exactly how to find an item on the shelf.
Nothing like that at this Walmart.
Walmart used to have a greeter in the front that I presume knew the store backwards and forwards … this is an artifact of their founding in the rural South.
But I guess that position was eliminated …
Sam Walton must be happy again!
I also found out that there’s a phone app that has all the information on what’s where in the warehouse. I guess the workers there that night were not well trained enough about it, but that surely must be in the process of being fixed!
Walmart hired a new CEO with the right sort of attitude that seems exactly my kind of guy.