Social Security is Stuck in 1972

I was trying to figure out why my Social Security payment hadn’t been delivered on Wednesday the 27th (two days ago) as promised. I spent just about 1 hour on the phone with SS, all through breakfast and my subsequent bathroom break. They said “your expected wait time is 38 minutes” but it was almost an hour by the time they picked up.
I said “I didn’t get my payment on time!” what happened? I had just logged in Monday to put in my new bank details.
The person responded … “oh, it takes weeks to get this done” … what?
Paypal, Venmo, Zelle … all these things are instant (or in the case of Paypal, now takes a week at least to get to the credit unions I have been using lately).
So I found out they sent it to my old (hacked) bank account … I called that bank and they said .. “they should be sending you a check” since that account had been closed.
So: it’s still 1972 at the SSA … this is just a warning to others.