Two Items to Discuss with your Member of Congress
I am a fan of the author Matt Richtel, who published a great book about the first prosecution for texting and driving in 2006. The book is A Deadly Wandering and it’s a fabulous (if disturbing) read. If you know somebody who still texts from a moving vehicle (or even talks on the phone, hands free or not) … get them this book; the research presented in the back may get some to change their behavior.
Now he’s published something even more important, this time in Wired July/August 2022 edition called “Star, Destroyer” about the Carrington Event, something that could seriously mess up the world’s civilization but the masters of the electrical grid aren’t doing enough to keep it from happening.

I can’t do his article justice in a piece this short … get the Libby app on your phone or iPad and read the article for yourself. Then: write your congressperson!
The other item on my radar to discuss with Congress is another episode of PBS Frontline, this time “America’s Dangerous Trucks” from just 3 weeks ago … it turns out that most trucks in the US don’t protect passenger cars from sliding under the carriage of the truck during accidents. Watch it for yourself (link above), then write your congressperson!