Wheel of Fortune: Hosed up Back End
© 2025 Mark McWiggins
My beautiful wife and I usually watch the Wheel of Fortune game on the Internet, like the one tonight:
We usually both enter their dumb little drawing at the end of the show, but tonight they were having some backend problems that I spent probably 25 or 30 minutes goofing around with before I gave up. I am registered on their site as mark@landhowa.com (one of several email addresses I use) but every time I put one into their form I got “this email already in use”… why?
I am a computer guy with 30+ years of experience and several email addresses at my disposal plus arbitrary many email aliases, and if I have to spend 30 minutes goofing around with it I can imagine that the Wheel producers are wondering why so few get their entry forms in for their silly little giveaway.
If I can find an email address for the Wheel Gang I am going to send this to them right after I get finished.
That’s it …