Why I’m giving up Protonmail
© Mark McWiggins 2024
I wrote elsewhere on my history with email … But now I’ve had a more annoying evening with Protonmail. I had a person I just met spoon-feed me a job application for a $100K job, but Protonmail for some reason bounced the message.
I went to my new mail system Hey.com and it was delivered correctly.
So I will continue read protonmail mail but anything I need to send goes through the new hey.com mail system.
A word to the wise is … in time! Hey.com is also rather cheaper than protonmail (though not as cheap as gmail if you don’t have the problems that we have getting it throttled, which most small users won’t.) Gmail is leaps and bounds better at spam filtering than is gmail also.
And of course, hey.com is the best of all worlds in this respect.
That’s it … happy emailing to you … I’m sure that those of you who try hey.com will never look back.