Why The NFL Will Be Playing Flag Football Just to Survive by 2032
© 2024 by Mark McWiggins
What if you gave an NFL game and nobody showed up?
That could be the situation by 2032 (if not sooner) as soon as the research on NFL style of grinding their starting players into big beefy shards of dust as fast as possible shows that such players are subject to a 4x times risk of the horrific disease ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s Disesase) … I saw a Youtube video just now discussing this research from a prominent medical university in 2021, showing this result.
So under pressure from regulators and Congress and with Democrats returning to power in 2024 (I think ..) the outlook for the exising NFL is quite grim indeed.
Write your elected officials; I plan to just after I am done with this article.
Thanks and prayers for those affected by this scourge.